
Monsignor Manning Library

The BEHS Library is a center for research, discovery and learning as well as a relaxing, yet productive, place to read books and magazines, explore new digital content, do homework, collaborate on projects, and learn how to find and analyze information, with an emphasis on media literacy.

The library offers students a wealth of current, authoritative information in both print and digital formats. Students can do research using a variety of databases: DISCUS, EBSCO eBooks, Oxford Reference, Gale Virtual Reference and more — all on the BEHS Library Website.

And, because we all read more deeply and absorb more contextual information when using print resources, the library offers a well-rounded fiction and nonfiction print collection of about 8,000 books, plus magazines and a well-employed reference section.

Due to the many benefits found from leisure reading, including improved test scores and better study habits, students are encouraged to read for leisure, both fiction and narrative non-fiction. To that end, the library offers a wide variety of fiction that is enjoyed by students and staff alike.

The Library is open Monday-Friday, 7:30am-3:30pm.

Please contact Librarian Lindsey Batchelder, with your questions, comments or suggestions.