
Options Program

Building upon the mission of Bishop England High School, the Options Program, established in 2007, supports the belief that all students deserve the opportunity to maximize their spiritual, academic and social potential. The vision is that students from a wide range of intellectual abilities will continue to learn and advance if provided a rich, rewarding learning environment.

This program is designed to provide an inclusive educational experience for students with intellectual disabilities. Students benefit from inclusion opportunities in a variety of academic and elective courses for 80-100% of the school day. Students in the Options program receive more individualized instruction as needed to facilitate their continued academic progress. In most cases, the students participating in the Options Program will receive a “Certificate of Achievement” upon the completion of the program. All graduates of this program are currently attending post-secondary programs or are gainfully employed.

Profile of Options’ Students at Bishop England

  • Students with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  • Students whose academic performance ranges between the second and sixth grade
  • Students who are able to initiate simple written and verbal expression.
  • Students who are able to interact socially with minimal distraction to themselves or others
  • Students who are willing to follow the high behavior and academic standards of our school 



Ms. Kristen Common ’83
B.S. Special Education
Ed. Curriculum and Instruction B.S.
Director, Options Program

Mrs. Emily Thiesen
B.S. K-5 Early Education
K-12 Intervention Specialist





-Receptive Language (understanding)
-Identify main idea and supporting details within a given passage
-Demonstrate comprehension by paraphrasing and summarizing main idea
-Identify cause and effect within a given passage
-Refine effective use of vocabulary
-Consistently follow written and verbal directions
-Demonstrate comprehension of key words
-Use sequential steps in order to problem solve or complete a task
-Predict logical outcomes about a given passage
-Draw conclusions and make inferences within a given passage
-Use reference materials to enhance learning and study skills
-Answer questions related to the duration of time
-Use context clues to enhance understanding
-Demonstrate proficiency in using technology to access information

Expressive Language (production)

-Actively participate in classroom discussions
-Use class vocabulary words in everyday situations
-Use planner as communication tool
-Summarize written and verbal information by paraphrasing
-Answer questions related to academic content
-Apply life skills and problem solving strategies in authentic settings
-Type or write responses to questions in paragraph form
-Process relationships in order to solve multiple step problems
-Compensate for spelling deficiencies by utilizing strategies and tools
-Demonstrate proper sequencing skills
-Use the writing process to communicate ideas
-Complete written assignments with a beginning, middle, and end
-Use proper writing mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling)
-Use webs and outlines to organize writing
-Develop note-taking skills using graphic organizers and outlines
-Communicate wants and needs in an appropriate manner
-Demonstrate proficiency in using technology to communicate ideas

Mathematical Concepts

-Count money and make change in a variety of settings
-Tell time to the minute and use clocks in daily activities
-Demonstrate an understanding of past, present, and future
-Show an understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
-Apply geometric and algebraic principles to solve real-world problems
-Use a calculator proficiently to solve math calculation problems
-Understand and solve a variety of math word problems
-Establish a budget and demonstrate a variety of consumer math skills

Independence and Self-Advocacy

-Complete each assignment to the best of the student’s ability
-Develop awareness of relationship between taking pride in work and how it is viewed by others
-Turn in assignments in a timely manner
-Arrive and leave school with appropriate materials
-Attempt work before asking for help
-Raise hand and wait to be called on before contributing to class
-Ask for clarification when needed to complete assignment
-Begin exploration for post high school opportunities
-Independently seek assistance in editing homework assignments
-Discuss problems with adults in a respectful manner
-Accept redirection in a positive manner
-Reduce attention seeking behaviors
-Identify cause & effect of behavior and how it relates to student progress
-Identify and self-monitor inappropriate behavior

Social and Emotional

-Initiate conversation without prompts
-Increase risk taking behaviors in familiar academic settings
-Participate in class to the best of student’s ability
-Appropriately express disappointment, frustration, and anger
-Actively participate in extracurricular activities
-Self-monitor behavior in social interactions
-Develop social skills to interact appropriately with peers
-Demonstrate conflict resolution skills when dealing with peers
-Practice socially acceptable behavior
-Become aware of different voice inflections and their meanings
-Understand unspoken social cues and interact appropriately
-Participate in community service experiences