
Welcome from Academic Dean

As academic dean of Bishop England High School, I have the opportunity to work with an amazing and dedicated faculty in a school that emphasizes the education of the whole person. Having spent my career in education at BEHS, there is no other place that I would rather be. While I can’t deny that every day, my job entails challenges and new problems to solve, the satisfaction and pride that comes from being part of the Bishop England community is absolutely enormous and truly heart-felt.

The academic program at BEHS has always involved the mantra, “academic excellence in a caring environment.” The goal is to challenge our students to reach their maximum potential, but to compassionately help them to reach it. Students must earn their grades, but they also receive individual assistance from teachers who truly care about the students’ success. Our levels of instruction allow students to be in an academic program that is tailored to their needs and aptitude in recognition that all students have gifts, but not necessarily in every academic subject. The preparation our students receive for the next phase of their education at the college level is something of which I am very proud.

The students and parents of the Bishop England community are a priority for me. If you are a student or parent who has an academic concern, I welcome your feedback.

Nancy Heath

Academic Dean

843-849-9599, Ext. 129

Email Mrs. Heath