
Sacraments & Prayer Life


Our faith-based community is what sets Bishop England apart from most other schools in the Lowcountry. Prayer and sacraments are the most important aspects of our school, defining us in the most profound way.

All-School Mass is celebrated weekly together as a school.


Mass Calendar

We will have All School Mass on Tuesdays.

Fr. Fryml and Fr. West will be celebrating Lunch Masses Wednesday – Friday. Lunchtime Masses are held in the Our Lady of Mercy chapel. And as always, students who attend this Mass receive a “Mass Pass” to enter the class after lunch a few minutes late in order to have the appropriate amount of time to eat their meals.

Lunch Masses will be announced weekly, but will usually be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, in the chapel at 11:45 AM.

All are welcome to join this daily celebration.




Our campus chaplain, Fr. Fryml is available to all of our students, faculty, and staff to hear confessions upon appointment. Fr.Fryml is on campus Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. His office is across the hall from the chapel on the second floor of “A” building.

Confession times will be announced weekly.



Are you interested in getting more involved with the Mass? We’re always looking for students interested in training to be a lector, server, sacristan or Eucharistic Minister. Get trained and participate in the Masses in the Chapel.

Contact Fr. Fryml or Mr. Beach for more information.