
Commemorative Bricks



Our Commemorative Brick program is a meaningful way to honor, memorialize, or congratulate a loved one by creating a permanent fixture on campus in their name. Not only does your gift touch someone you care about, but it also impacts young men and women in our community by providing access to the tuition assistance they need on their journeys to spiritual growth and academic success at Bishop England High School.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the bricks located?

The bricks are located in Bishop England High School’s courtyard.

When will the bricks be installed?

Bricks are engraved twice a year and are placed in the courtyard during Christmas and summer breaks. We will contact you once your brick(s) have been added to the courtyard for you to come and see.

How many lines and characters can I have on my brick?

3 lines, 15 characters per line (this includes spaces & punctuation)

What kinds of characters can be engraved on my brick?

Any character that is found on a standard keyboard can be engraved.

Let someone know you purchased a brick in their honor

Please download and complete the Bishop England Commemorative Brick Certificate to help celebrate your brick. You will be able to write your engraved message on the certificate and gift it to a loved one or keep it for your own records.

Commemorative Brick Certificate