
School Events & Traditions

Bishop England has many traditions that have continued over the years, and a few new ones have been added.

John England Day

A celebration of the birthday of Bishop John England (9/23/1786) for whom the school is named, the students, faculty & staff celebrate the day by participating in a living rosary and a celebration in the courtyard of the school which includes music, food, games and shortened classes.  This event is completely run by the Student Government Association under student leadership.

Homecoming & Spirit Week

The Homecoming football game is scheduled for Friday, October 15, 2021. Students, parents, and alumni take part in this BE tradition. The BEHS Alumni Association hosts a Homecoming Tailgate party on campus. The week leading up to Homecoming is Spirit Week where each day has a different theme.The students, faculty & staff go all out to show their school spirit during spirit week. See Spirit Week TAG Day Information 2021

CSMC Food Drive

This event is a long-standing tradition organized by CSMC – Christian Students Mission of Charity. During the month of November, each homeroom collects money to purchase canned meats, dry goods, and other nonperishable food items. Students earn a tag day by bringing five canned goods to school and these food items are bagged to feed over 300 families in the Charleston area for Christmas. The food is blessed by the Most Reverend Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone, the 13th Bishop of Charleston, during a special Mass in the Bishop England gym with all students, faculty & staff present.

Blood Drive

The Key Club organizes four blood drives throughout the school year in conjunction with the Red Cross. Students, faculty, staff, and parents sign up to donate blood throughout the designated days. Red Cross workers set up in the BE gym to host the four events.

Bishop Screamland

Enthusiastic members of the science department create a haunted hallway in the upper level of the BE gym. Other faculty members and some students become zombies, mad scientists, witches, and ghosts to populate the haunted hallway. Students may purchase admission to the hallway during the lunch period.  In recent years the experience was opened to the public to enjoy for a nominal fee to enjoy and be scared.

Ring Mass

The month of January in the BE school calendar is a special one for the Junior Class due to a long-standing tradition called the Ring Mass. During this special Mass, the class rings are blessed, and each junior is called forward to receive his or her ring by the school’s chaplain.  The school’s seal engraved on the dinner and signet rings has been a constant for many years and is recognizable in the community.