
Congratulations to the BE POM Squad!

After a hard year with many uncertainties, the BEHS POM Squad continued to work hard and were able to make it to Nationals. Having not had a chance to compete all year, they were finally able to put all their intense practice to use and did extremely well. Competing against many teams from all over the nation, these were their final results:

  • 15th in POM
  • 5th in Hip Hop – The highest our school has ever achieved to date!
  • 3rd in the Nation in Game-Day! – First time competing in this category!

“It was a Nationals to be proud of and very worth the wait!

The girls came home with trophies and medals and so much to be happy about.”

Lucia Gonzalez, Team Moderater

Congratulations to the BEHS POM Squad and to their coaches for all their dedication and hard work to make this a very successful season despite everything!