

March Bishops of the Month

Teachers are asked to nominate a student who they feel exemplifies the true spirit of a Battling Bishop.  It may be someone who goes out of their way to help someone in need, someone who shows extraordinary kindness to others, or someone who participates actively in the community. Once a month the nominations are read… read more

2021 Academic Awards

The 2021 Academic Awards was held on Thursday, April 29, 2021 in the BEHS Gym. The Academic Awards and Recognition Awards Night has become a yearly tradition since its inception in 1999. This ceremony began as a concept from the students themselves–one in which all students in all grades and at all levels would be… read more

2021 Bishop England Prom

It was a beautiful evening for the Junior and Senior classes on Saturday, April 17th. The courtyard was transformed and illuminated to become the perfect backdrop for a magical evening for our students. Thank you to the BE Parent Guild and Junior Board members for making the 2021 BE Prom a memorable evening! To access… read more

John England Day

John England Day is traditionally held during the Fall semester to celebrate our namesake, Bishop John England of Charleston. In 1986, John England Day was created to honor our school community of faith and show appreciation for our students. John England Day is a way to build school spirit and an opportunity for students to… read more

Mental Health Club T-Shirt Sale

The Mental Health Awareness Club at Bishop England is selling t-shirts! All proceeds will go towards funding future MHAC events and materials. If you would like to place an order, click this link to place your order. Each shirt is $12 and the sale ends on Wednesday, April 1st. Proceeds can be dropped off at… read more

Quarter 3 Honor Roll

The following students qualified for Honor Roll for Quarter 3. To qualify for Honor Roll a student must have an overall numeric average of 90 or higher in all classes. Click below to view. Congratulations Bishops! Freshmen Quarter 3 Honor Roll Sophomore Quarter 3 Honor Roll Junior Quarter 3 Honor Roll Senior Quarter 3 Honor… read more

February Bishops of the Month

Faculty/Staff Bishop of the Month Congratulations to Ms. Kristen Common for being selected as February’s Faculty/Staff Bishop of the Month. She was selected because she is someone who treats everyone with the utmost kindness, respect, and compassion. She goes out of her way to help – whether the person in need is a student, faculty,… read more

Alumni Spotlight | Frank Brown ’91

Frank Brown’s journey to Bishop England did not begin the traditional way– he was desperate for the opportunity to attend Catholic high school. “I literally begged to get into BE because I knew it would change my life and my family’s life, too. I thank God every day for that needed financial assistance that a… read more

January Bishop of the Month

Teachers are asked to nominate a student who has gone above and beyond the call of duty whether it be in the classroom or beyond. A student becomes nominated by the teacher who writes a description of what wonderful things the student has done without revealing the name. One student is chosen from each grade… read more

Alumni Spotlight : The Class of 1998 | Natalie Renee Spann ’98

While planning for their upcoming 20th reunion, the Class of 1998 made the decision to honor one of their own, Natalie Renee Spann ’98, by raising funds in her memory for the Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Scholarship, Bishop England’s first full tuition scholarship exclusively for black and minority students. “Natalie treated everyone equally. She was… read more

January Faculty and Staff Bishop of the Month

The Faculty/Staff Bishop of the Month for January is someone who has a deep passion for teaching. Honestly, it’s more of a profound joy for sharing her wealth of knowledge about her discipline. This person puts great effort into planning and creating lessons that truly bring the subject area to life for her students. She… read more

Spirit and Catholic Schools Week

Bishop England is set to kick-off their annual Spirit Week and Catholic Schools Week on February 1st, 2021. This year we will be combining Catholic Schools Week and Spirit Week, so the week will be a mixture of activities representing both festivities! Next week is a competition between the classes. Therefore, the class with the… read more

Bishops Battle Blood Cancer

January 16th kicked-off the start of the seven-week Students of the Year fundraising campaign benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Prior to the fundraiser’s kickoff, team leaders spent several months building a team, setting fundraising goals, and reaching out to local businesses to gauge interest. Students are nominated for the position by a former Student… read more

Building STRONGER Families with Fr. Fryml

Every second Wednesday of the month, please join Fr. Fryml as he leads a workshop on how to build a stronger relationship with your teenagers. He will be addressing topics like stress, depression, dating, faith, and doubt in God. If you have any ideas you would like to be addressed, email Fr. Fryml @ fatherfryml@behs.com… read more

Alumni Highlight | Christian Nelson Garcia ’95

Christian graduated with a degree in Aerospace Engineering from Auburn University. She is currently a Senior Systems Engineer Professional with a role as the SLS Guidance, Navigation and Control Flight Software Lead.  What do you remember from your time at BEHS? My time at B.E. is full of memories, but a few stick out to… read more

Alumni Highlight | Andrea Crites Poulin ’95

Andrea received her Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering degree from Catholic University. She is currently working as the Payload Manager of a propsed NASA Mission named DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry and Imagine Plus) What do you remember from your time at Bishop England? The friends I made and the teachers that… read more