
2020 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to math teacher and department co-chair, Megan Moore, for receiving the Teacher of the Year award! Mrs.Moore was selected by the faculty and staff because of her many attributes, including her professionalism, her love of teaching, and her positive influence on the students and our school. She is so highly respected by our school community!

Faculty and staff voted for the outstanding teacher who exhibits these characteristics:

  1. Exhibits a desire to grow as a teacher, to be innovative, and to become a stronger teacher.
  2. Exhibits a positive influence on others, both colleagues and students.
  3. Is highly respected in the school community.
  4. Challenges students to achieve and do their best.
  5. Is a team player.
  6. Demonstrates loyalty to BEHS.
  7. Is an excellent communicator.
  8. Is the consummate professional.
  9. Loves to teach.

BEHS is so blessed for her dedication and proud to honor Megan Moore!

Excerpts from Megan Moore’s Teaching Philosophy: 

“Everything has changed in education overnight. I never thought teaching would happen from behind a computer, and although I have learned some amazing skills to use when we are back in the classroom, I cannot help but feel empty without my students in my classroom. I think everyone can agree that computers cannot take the place of educators because the relationships we form are more powerful than any detailed lesson or PowerPoint. I have wanted to be a teacher as far back as I can remember. Teaching is rewarding but challenging and I am thankful I have it as my job each day. I believe the most important elements of teaching are being flexible, constantly self-evaluating, and forming relationships with students…to instill confidence and trust in the classroom. 

…It is important to constantly evolve as educators, but not to feel as if we need to reinvent the wheel.  I believe great teachers are great because they have the sheer desire and work ethic to become the best possible teacher they can for their students…I have torn apart every lesson I have ever taught in order to make it better the next time I present the material….

I find the most important trait to develop in the classroom is positive relationships…As a math teacher, one of the most important things I can do is instill confidence in my students.  I have so many students come into my class telling me “they hate math and they can’t do it,” but I have never actually met someone that truly could not do math…This is my favorite challenge as a math teacher – watching a student transition from self-doubting every move to believing in [himself or herself] … It forms a powerful, transformative relationship with the students that is never forgotten.”